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Here are my posts

Hi, my name is Frank Benedetto Tieri and I enjoy doing coding and photoshop.  In the future, I would like to become successful in computers and to become a hit.  If you're interested in codes and photoshopping pictures, then this is the website for you.  You're going to have a great time with exploring this website.  I am 100% recomended.  Have fun! :) 

So here's my relationship between KhanAcademy with Animatron: 
Basic shot types: Since you can't do that many angle shots in this platform, I tried to do the ones that you can do which are the long shot, and mid to long shot.
Extreme shots: You only actually can do 1 type of extreme shot in this platform. You can only do the mid shot, because the objects in this platform are 2D only and none of them are 3D. Dynamic shots: I'm sorry but you can't do that much stuff in this platform, especially trying to do a dynamic shot. The scene were Shrok pops up and Erasy got annoyed was kind of a dynamic scene but that was not the juicy part of that extremely short video that I made. The juicy part was the end of the video. Shrok and Horsy go and save Fiancée but she wasn't even captured in the story.
So yeah, Animatron is just the beginning and I hope I improvee when class goes on.


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